Saturday, January 5, 2013

Buick Museum

Hey, it's Thomas again, now that I've hijacked this blog.  You can now expect blog posts to  be a lot more truthful and enjoyable, so look forward to a great 2013.  Anyway, here's some pictures of the Cushing boys in the Buick Museum.  Here's Freddy attempting to operate the ambulance on display there.  God help whoever the patient is...
Here's a view of the ambulance from the outside.  In case you can't tell, that's me in the back seat.  Nice camera angle there, Simon. (We need to get a new photographer...)
Here's a vintage red car, with a nice glass roof.  Apparently it was so interesting it needed to have two separate pictures taken of it to take up more blog space.  More stellar photography, Simon
Oooh, shiny.
Oh and here's some old black car.  I don't see what's so special about it, but apparently it was photo-worthy.  Personally, I would have taken a picture of the giant TANK in the room, but for Simon I guess this boring black car is WAY more interesting.  Whatever...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe take YOUR camera next time, Thomas - and get the stellar shots your father missed.... I may never see that tank now!
