Sunday, November 25, 2012


Look what we woke up to today! Snow! The ducks aren't pleased, but it doesn't stop them from pattering about, as you can see from all the duck prints.
Although Frederick has been housebound with the sniffles this whole weekend (he didn't even want to go to the Space Pool this weekend, or go shopping to the mall and see Santa or the indoor train yesterday!) but that didn't stop him from getting out his coat, snow pants and gloves seconds after he sprang out of bed.
It is bitterly cold out so Frederick didn't last long outside--just long enough to sit in a lawn chair, admire the wintery wonderfulness and eat a few fistfuls of snow. Before going out he had mentioned making a snowman, but that will have to wait since there isn't enough for anything other than a guy about 4 inches tall.
I do wish I had put up the yard lights last weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope he's better now.