Monday, August 27, 2012

How the other half lives

Thomas's new school is about 40 minutes drive away from Flint in a rural enclave of which we were heretofore ignorant. The school itself is a branch of International Academy which (you might guess) has a curriculum that is uniform across many countries and thus better than most American schools. But it is located in a massive building belonging to White Lake High School. Yes, White Lake. As in "White Flight". And boy, is the surrounding area white. And Rich. This is Romney country. And you can kind of see why they might vote for him, because out here, life is good. Check out the library in nearby Milford:
And here are some sights to be seen in Milford itself.
Tragically, not everything is perfect in White America. Here we see a vehicle "speeding" away after delivering the pernicious drug that keeps everything here humming:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! What class!
