Thursday, September 3, 2009

Frederick Visits His New School

Today we took Frederick to see his new school. When we were heading to the car, Frederick said, "Go to Mr. Mike." We told him that we were not seeing Mr. Mike but going to his new school. Frederick was very excited, until we started heading in the opposite direction from where his school was last year. He was curious, but skeptical. Here we are, outside. The school was built in 1929. It's slated to be closed after this upcoming school year. Not only is the student population shrinking in Flint (between 15 and 20 schools are expected to be closed by the end of this year) but this is heated by a giant, antiquated boiler which is (so they claim) expensive to keep running.
Going in. Simon getting hives from anxiety. Frederick perfectly relaxed.
Going up to the second floor! Frederick discovered that he can climb up 3 stairs at a time. I'm sure we'll need to add an extra 10 minutes to drop off just to take into account "messing about on stairs" time.

Here it is--room 202!
Frederick settles in and take quickly to his new teacher, Mrs. Wood. Here's hoping it's the start of a beautiful relationship...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a positive start - here's hoping all goes well for Frederick.
