Saturday, January 12, 2008

Desktop Press

Thomas was struck with a strange fervor at the start of the new year--he threw himself into cleaning his room, organizing games, treasures and Lego, and packed up or threw away seven garbage bags worth of formerly-precious things. With his desk clear for the first time in several years, he set to work setting up a comic writing station. With a dozen or so very sharp pencils, many erasers and an entire ream of paper to hand, he set to work creating his daily comic (published by Desktop Press) "Edward's Adventures." He penciled a week's worth of comics and promises that there will be more to come. His readers wait with bated breath.


Unknown said...

My Tom did that when he was about eleven (including, shock, horror, all his lego which I rescued for a neighbour's child)... early onset of adolescence?

Of course Simon went through a comic stage I gather from reports of a canal holiday which he spent in steady composition below decks. Thomas has a reputation to live up to. Wish him luck with the Comic Factory.


Jeremy said...

It reminds me very vividly of a certain ginger-headed boy who when taken on an extremely expensive holiday on a canal boat spent most of his time hiding in the cabin with a huge pile of paper on which he wrote a seemingly endless series of adventures of a character called 'Power Boy'.