Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snowed In

Today we woke to find Flint buried under 8 inches of snow. We tried to dig our way out, but the snow just kept coming down. We then resigned ourselves to spending the day inside reading books, eating soup and the remains of granny's cookies (see below), and keeping the fire burning hot. Here Frederick relaxes in his beanbag chair while working his way through his extensive library. Note generous supply of flotsam and jetsam scattered across livingroom floor--that's what comes of having a Frederick contained in a house for too long.

Frederick interrupts Simon's (admittedly feeble) attempt to clean the kitchen for a quick review of large trucks, bulldozers, loaders, graders and the like.

Bryce and Thomas worked through the remainder of the day by playing some infernal game on that damn gamecube. What pair of morons bought Thomas that thing, anyway? Tonight's forecast calls for another 6-8 inches of snow (!) so the chances of everyone going to school tomorrow seem low. Sigh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

From grey UK this looks rather romantic - but I do remember the need to allow young persons to run and whoop outdoors for enough of the day to render them liveable with. It's lucky that thomas is old enough to be a bit of a games freak, since he does seem to include a wide variety of activity in his day to day life.
