Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Back to Civilization

Craving the rocks and cliffs of Canada, the boys put on brave faces and make do with slides and stacked tires in the U.S. This was on the second to last day of our trip. On the sixth night of camping we were treated to an earth-shaking thunder storm that soaked the tent. After we packed the muddy and sandy tent and all the soggy, filthy sleeping bags into the car, it was oh-so-easy to convince ourselves that we should give up on camping and spend the remaining nights of our vacation in motels.


Unknown said...

You all look pretty nonchalant striding about Canada - especially Thomas and Fredrick. They must be intrepid! I'm glad you had a good time and survived the downpour.

The only answer with mosquitos I've found is whole body plastic skin, the full burkha - oh - and don't go outdoors or open the windows.


Unknown said...

OK. I left a comment. This dialogue is not happening. If you want a response, you need to acknowledge responses when you get them! Otherwise commentators wonder why they are doing it.

The Cushanderingsons said...

It's been a crazy past week. We came home with more laundry than conceivable, the house seems like it was left empty for years and we have to get ready for the next semester--which starts in less than two weeks! Highlights of that are soon to come!

Jeremy said...

Excuses, excuses. It's always the same with the younger generation. Just because they've got full-time jobs and kids they think they have a right not to communicate. Meanwhile us wrinklies eke out our lives starved of information.

Unknown said...

Oh Jeremy, that's not fair! At least they have this blog which keeps you up to date in a very attractive way!
